How to Help Your Child Prepare For School
- Talk about school with your child. Discuss happy experiences that are waiting for him or her.
- Listen to your child. Discuss concerns that he/she expresses. Encourage your child and be reassuring.
- Establish good routines for eating, sleeping, and doing schoolwork. Agree upon a school bedtime.
- Provide a work and study area for your child. This area should be a private place away from distractions and siblings.
- Establish a communication link with the teacher so that you are always informed about your child’s progress.
- Become an active member of the Parents-Teacher Association and help it to work for all students.
What Your Child Should Know
Independence and self-reliance are important qualities for school-aged children. Your child should be able to:
- State his/her name, address and phone number.
- Take off and put on his/her clothing: shoelaces should be securely tied; buttons and zippers should be easy to use; and clothing should be comfortable and appropriate for school and the weather.
- Recognize his/her own clothing: it is helpful if everything that will be removed (hats, gloves, coats, etc.) is labeled with the child’s name.
- Carry a handkerchief/tissue and be able to use it appropriately and effectively.
- Go to the toilet without help.
- Handle objects and return them properly.
- Follow instructions given by an adult.
- Stay with a group of children.
- Rely on being dropped off and picked up, on time, by someone he/she knows.
How You Can Help
- Know the designated entrances and exits used by the children.
- Be on time for the beginning of the school day. This will help children recognize the importance of school and develop good habits of punctuality.
- Be on time to pick up your child. Children who are forced to wait for pick up become anxious and unhappy (and so do the teachers on duty).
- Read all the notices and bulletins that are sent home by the school. Promptly return the ones that require a signature.
- Listen to what your child has to say about school. Do not force the conversation, but be attentive when your child is ready to share the experience.
- Praise the work your child brings home.
It is the goal of Woodmore Elementary for every student to read on grade level. To make sure students are making adequate progress in reading, we are using small group instruction/ guided reading and a system of leveled books to insure student success. The level of the book is based on the vocabulary, subject matter and text difficulty. Books are leveled using a letter of the alphabet with “Pre A” being the easiest and “Level Z” being the most advanced. The chart below will help you determine your child’s approximate reading level. Please see your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Grade Level
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Reading Level
Pre A - D
E – J
K – M
N – P
Q - S
T – V
W – Y